Fifosports Manufacturing unit established since 1991. After having vast experience inmanufacturing of Cycling Wear, Sports Wear,Boxing Gear,Martial Arts Gear , Dancing wearand Sport articles, in 1996 Fifosports started export world wide.Today, with more than 10 years of experience in this business Fifo Sports has becomethe main supplier of Cycling Wear, Sports Wear,Boxing Gear,Martial Arts Gear , Dancing wearand Sport articles. After years years of restless efforts, this company has achieved good repute and known as excellent quality producers all over the world.Our policy based on entire satisfaction of our customers around the world through providingagreed quality products, services, material used and deliveries which always is a key of successfor our organization. We are working on ISO 9002 certification, hopefully this year we will achievethis certification.GUARANTY: All our products are guaranteed for 6 months as per our commitment against ourStitching and material quality.IMPORTER: We are importer of Artificial Leather, Amara & PU, Sicilion, Reflex, Cordura, Neoprin,Lycra, Kevler, Arisa, Grippy, Fleece, Cool Max and all kind of sporting good material, regular andstock lot.